Bernie Moreno: ‘The American Dream Is Under Attack’ From Biden, Brown

Bernie Moreno: ‘The American Dream Is Under Attack’ From Biden, Brown


State of the Union: The Ohio Republican boosted the Trump agenda.

Bernie Moreno at 2024 RNC

In an address to the RNC, Bernie Moreno, a businessman and the Republican Senate nominee in Ohio, implied that his opponent, Sen. Sherrod Brown, is a puppet of President Joe Biden.

“Sherrod Brown votes with Joe Biden virtually 100 percent. I don’t know if I agree with my wife 100 percent of the time,” Moreno said. “But Sherrod and Joe seem to have a very close relationship. Well, tonight we’ve got a message for failed lifelong politicians like Sherrod Brown and Joe Biden: It’s time to go home.”

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Making a case for his candidacy and that of Donald Trump, Moreno told the audience: “A vote for Trump and Moreno is a vote to put America first. We will end the invasion at our southern border, we will fix our economy, protect American workers, and rescue America’s families from Biden’s and Brown’s inflation. We will end the wars and deliver peace. I will fight alongside Donald Trump to make America stronger, safer, and more prosperous.”

Moreno also touted the nomination of his fellow Ohioan, Senator J.D. Vance, for the vice presidency. “I’m so proud that my senator, my friend, JD Vance will be the next vice president of the United States,” he said. “He represents the best of Ohio, the best of America, and will be an incredible leader and defender of President Trump’s plan to always put America first.”

Moreno’s senate race in Ohio is currently a toss-up. Brown has significantly outraised him, despite Ohio’s shift rightward in recent years. Brown is the sole remaining statewide Democrat in the former swing state.

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