How to solo the Arachsiam boss fight in Once Human

If you saw the image on this post, you’re probably wondering how I got there. Well, there’s one thing you should absolutely NOT do in this boss fight, and I’ll tell you that exactly. It’s not a difficult boss fight if you know what to do.

This is by far the creepiest encounter to a boss fight in Once Human so far. I loved the intro, so if you’re into creepy things or horror, go ahead and let it play. Preferably late at night when you’re all alone!

Anyway, let’s cover how to beat the Arachsiam boss in Once Human if you’re playing solo, starting with my current loadout.

Loadout for Arachsiam Boss Fight in Once Human

Player loadout screen showing weapons and gear taken to the Arachsiam boss fight in Once Human.
Screenshot by Upcomer

I’m a huge Sniper Rifle fan, but it was pretty useless in this fight. I’d say you need rapid fire weapons, so going with an assault and LMG or something like that would not be a mistake. You’ll want to calibrate some of your gear, too.

As you can see from the screenshot, I’m not running a super strong build or anything. The only decent bit of gear I have is the assault rifle, and boy, did it come in handy.

So decide on your loadout and let’s get fighting.

How to beat Arachsiam solo in Once Human

There are some mistakes to avoid. For example, what’s the first thing we do when we enter a boss fight? That’s right, we seek cover. Really, really bad idea here. Do not put this pillar between yourself and the boss at any point, because if she manages to web you, you will get stuck and die and there’s nothing you can do about it.

A player gets stuck on the rock pillar in the Arachsiam boss fight in Once Human.
Screenshot by Upcomer

That’s how I ended up in this situation. So forget cover for this boss fight. The next thing to understand is what attacks the boss uses.

Her first attack is a slide and she sort of pummels anything in her path with her claws… or legs, whatever. The point is, get out of the way. The dive roll comes in handy here, but given that I play with a constant 180-200 ping, it’s not all that useful I guess.

The second attack is a web shot, where she webs you and then drags you all the way to her, and then smashes you with her legs. This hurts, but there’s nothing you can do about it once you’re caught, so try to avoid this attack at all times.

The final attack, while she’s immune, is another web attack. You get frozen for a while and it hurts, but that’s about it. The confusing part is what to do when the boss gets immunity.

What to do when Arachsiam is Immune

The on-screen message says to shoot the spider eggs, but I couldn’t find any running around in the mist! And that’s because they don’t spawn on the platform that you’re on, they spawn on the walls. There’s no indication of this, so yeah, be on the lookout.

Spider eggs from the Arachsiam boss fight pointed out by Arrows showing their spawn location.
Screenshot by Upcomer

The trick here is to run around the edges, find these spider eggs, and take care of them quickly, then continue to take out the boss. Just be careful of the smaller spiders. They managed to trap me against the edge and deal quite some damage.

Don’t get trapped.

Arachsiam weak spots

Arachsiam boss in Once Human with weak spots pointed out by arrows.
Screenshot by Upcomer

You’ll find that she has glowy spots on her abdomen which are weak spots, and there’s also one on her chest. Just keep your fire rate up and try to burst her down as quickly as possible.

The victory screen after beating the Arachsiam boss in Once Human, with the Victory message across the screen and the defeated boss in the background.
Screenshot by Upcomer

That’s really all there is to it. Take plenty of Activators along, so you can heal up as you go. And of course, make sure you enter the fight with full hunger and thirst (duh — I forgot to top up!).

Good luck! Our next stop is Chalk Peaks, where we’ll get our first Aluminium in Once Human.

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