LIBBY EMMONS: Our loved ones died over Zoom calls while Covid experts had drug-fueled sex parties

LIBBY EMMONS: Our loved ones died over Zoom calls while Covid experts had drug-fueled sex parties

The next time they try to do this to us, I hope not one of us will be in line to comply.

It turns out I’m still pretty mad about Covid and the way we were treated in New York by the elitist elected officials who thought they were better than us, demanded that we follow their rules, cost us our jobs, our kids’ educations, our social lives, and our mental health for not complying, but didn’t see any reason to obey their rules themselves. We saw it explicitly during Covid, though it was there before. 

They told us Covid was so bad we had to stay inside, they closed our churches, our schools, prevented funerals, but when BLM wanted to head out and protest for black trans lives, they told us this protest was more important than staying in. You could go out, but only if you were protesting against racism. Some 70 doctors even signed an open letter claiming that the racism crisis was worse than the Covid crisis. Suddenly, in June 2020, there were new rules: leaving your house to join with thousands of people to protest was anti-racist, and therefore good, but criticizing those protesters for breaking lockdown was racist. It was only in April of that year that Michiganders who protested lockdowns were called racist for wanting to keep their jobs. But that was only the tip of the iceberg of the elitist hypocrisy and outright dereliction of the public trust. 

One of the top Covid experts, the guy leading the war in New York City, telling us to stay home, enforcing vaccine mandates, keeping schools closed to placate Randi Weingarten and the teachers union, shuttering churches against our 1A rights, was literally hosting drug-fueled sex parties in New York hotel rooms, attending underground parties beneath banks on Wall Street, and feeling he was entitled to all of it because he just needed to blow off some steam. Steven Crowder’s undercover investigations unit set up a fake date James O’Keefe style and got him to admit everything. 

The man who told us to stay inside, watch our relatives die over Zoom, prohibited our children from getting an education, and got people fired from their jobs for not taking the experimental Covid vaccine was sucking down ecstasy and having orgies with his wife and their friends. 

There were plenty of examples of this kind of flouting of regulations, and so many of us pointed it out repeatedly during the recent pandemic unpleasantness. Nancy Pelosi could get her hair done but the rest of us had to suffer split ends. My hairdresser came to my apartment in secret and gave me an illegal haircut, that’s what we were reduced to. Gavin Newsom went to dinners at fancy restaurants with heaps of friends while the rest of us were left to our own cooking. His kids were in school, too, while the rest of us—well, you remember. And these are only a few of the many, many examples. 

I’m sure we’ll never forget watching our kids fall further and further behind because it’s just impossible to learn properly on a 30-person Zoom class. In Newsom’s California, a 12-year-old boy was found slumped over his laptop after having shot himself while in class. One elementary school class witnessed a girl get sexually abused by her step-father when she’d accidentally left her camera on during a break.

But Varma thought the right thing to do was to get high and f*ck his friends. I use harsh language here because it is what’s needed. Some children killed themselves, and many more considered it, because of the policies of these elected and appointed officials who thought they were better than us. They imposed rules they did not even believe in then broke them with complete impunity. Pelosi is still in Congress. Newsom is still screwing up California. The protesters are still out in the streets, only now they’re against Jews (who they perceive as part of the settler colonialist project of whiteness). Varma was fired, but only because he got found out in such a humiliating manner.

None of these people feared what they told us to fear. It’s as though the rules they imposed were totally and completely arbitrary, an experiment in controlling the population, not limiting a contagious disease.

Dr. Jay Varma, medical sidekick of loser Mayor Bill de Blasio, sat on television every morning to tell New Yorkers how to protect themselves from the deadly scourge, stoking our fears, playing on our apocalyptic nightmares, yet he did not fear what he told us to fear. He was a liar, a hypocrite, a fear-monger, a bully, and an authoritarian drunk on his own power. 

When the pandemic first started, it had overtones of potential end-of-the-worldness. We have so many epic stories about how the world could come to an end, including through some horrible virus. I’m not the only one who started imagining if I would last to the other side, how I would make do, if I’d have to grow my own food, kill a rabbit, watch our cities burn. I know I wasn’t, the run on toilet paper alone made it clear how freaked out everyone was. On March 13, 2020 when they shut down schools in New York City, I knew there would be riots. I figured they would be over pandemic stuff, restrictions, lack of food, supply chain problems, loss of work, basic economic stuff. Instead, the riots were sparked by the death of a black drug addict in police custody exactly 10 weeks into lockdown, on May 25. 

And there was good old Dr Varma, right by de Blasio’s side going into summer. It was in August that he and his wife hosted their first hotel sex party of the pandemic.

In a moment of crystal clear clarity, Varma was asked in 2021 on local news how he felt when New York’s elite pro athletes were finally able to play sports again even if they weren’t vaxxed. He didn’t like it, but not on medical grounds, on moral grounds. Yes, Varma actually invoked morality, saying his concern was “the social, or the moral concern. What type of message does it send to New Yorkers if rich people, powerful people, connected people, basically get to make their own rules? The principle of responding to an epidemic is the same thing as fighting a way. You’re all in this together. Everybody has to sacrifice regardless of where your standing is in society.”

I think we all know the type of message this sends. The next time they try to do this to us, I hope not one of us will be in line to comply.

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