The New York Times has plenty of word games on its roster today — with Wordle, Connections, Strands, and the Mini Crossword, there’s something for everyone — but the newspaper’s standard crossword puzzle still reigns supreme. The daily crossword is full of interesting trivia, helps improve mental flexibility and, of course, gives you some bragging rights if you manage to finish it every day.
While the NYT puzzle might feel like an impossible task some days, solving a crossword is a skill and it takes practice — don’t get discouraged if you can’t get every single word in a puzzle.
If you’re having trouble completing today’s NYT Crossword, we’re here to help. We’ve got all the answers for today’s clues down below.
NYT Crossword answers today

1 First name in mysteries : AGATHA
7 Like a Broadway revival, often : RECAST
13 Noncompetitive races : FUNRUNS
15 “Precisely!,” informally : EXACTO
16 Military leader who helped capture Detroit in 1812 : TECUMSEH
18 Vital carriers : AORTAE
19 Author of “A Hard Road to Glory: A History of the African-American Athlete” : ASHE
20 Out of the ordinary : WEIRD
22 Rustic respites : INNS
23 Sticky-fingered sort? : TOT
24 Variable in Euler’s polyhedron formula (V − E + F = 2) : EDGES
25 This and that : BOTH
26 Drink made with rice milk and cinnamon : HORCHATA
29 Sigma Gamma ___ (historically Black sorority) : RHO
30 Like the Danube, to Germans : BLAU
32 Manufacturing giant originally known as the Pittsburgh Reduction Company : ALCOA
33 Tucker who played drums for the Velvet Underground : MOE
34 Bay Area-based coffee roaster : PEETS
35 Pancake topper : PAT
36 Speckled steeds : ROANS
38 Diminutive suffix : LET
39 Lopez of “The Dirty Dozen” : TRINI
41 And no more : ONLY
42 Boom times : UPS
43 Some in-person interviews : SITDOWNS
45 Dark ___ : MODE
47 Breakout portmanteau : BACNE
48 “I Love Lucy” airer : CBS
51 Spill the beans : BLAB
52 Poster sites? : BLOGS
53 Behind : RUMP
55 Current influencer : ELNINO
57 Flower in Japanese heraldry : WISTERIA
59 Estimate : RECKON
60 Silviculture is the science of maintaining them : FORESTS
61 Expresses contempt : SNEERS
62 .1111, .2222, .3333, etc. : NINTHS
1 Shaving brand : AFTA
2 Anonymous online handle, at times : GUEST
3 Dried poblano chili : ANCHO
4 “Amen!” : TRUETHAT
5 Keep one’s mouth shut, but not stay silent : HUM
6 Pick up : ANSWER
7 Entertains before bed, perhaps : READSTO
8 Skeletal prefix : EXO
9 Suriname native : CARIB
10 Play it cool : ACTNORMAL
11 Intercessor for the frequently forgetful : STANTHONY
12 Gear meant to simulate barefoot running : TOESHOES
14 Angel’s contribution : SEEDCAPITAL
17 Shaggy Scottish grazer : HIGHLANDCOW
21 Animated response? : REACTIONGIF
27 Bounces : OUSTS
28 First name for the third second-in-command : AARON
30 Supplement purporting to combat seasonal allergies : BEEPOLLEN
31 Directive to get down : LETSDANCE
34 Their work might be draining : PLUMBERS
37 How some Hollywood relationships start : ONSCREEN
40 Long strips of carrot or zucchini : RIBBONS
44 Brand of vegetable oil : WESSON
46 Many a DoorDasher’s transport : EBIKE
49 Pop : BURST
50 One of the Seven Sisters : SMITH
54 Drive around : PASS
56 Winningest country in Winter Olympic history: Abbr. : NOR
58 Arm muscle, informally : TRI