7 Habits to Stay Focused in a World Full of Distractions

7 Habits to Stay Focused in a World Full of Distractions

Justin Paget/Getty Images

Interruptions, both external and self-inflicted, are no longer the exception; they’ve become our default mode. How can you strengthen your attention and stay on track? Here are seven simple techniques to help you cut down on interruptions and increase your focus: 1) Lay the groundwork; 2) Train your brain’s attention; 3) Direct your emotions; 4) Interrupt your autopilot; 5) Tune into your energy patterns; 6) Practice active listening; 7) Replenish your attention reserves.

You sit down at your computer ready to tackle the work you’ve been promising yourself you’d do. But inevitably, your inbox pings and your phone rings. Then, just as you’re about to dive in, you reflexively reach for your phone, scan headlines, and scroll social media — your focus fragmenting with each digital detour.

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