Achievement Explorer |
Open the menu and click on the Achievements button for the first time. |
Connection Problem Auto-Disconnect |
Turn off your internet connection while the game is open |
Tea Party! |
Choose the Water map and put at least 19 tea boxes in the water and creak them however you’d like (we recommend a C4) to turn the water into tea. |
Content Creator |
In the main menu, click on the “Mod Editor” button and then on “Create New.” You can create an interesting variation of an existing Misc, Living, or Firearm mod, or just change one stat and save to unlock the achievement. |
Hypothermia |
Set a Living mod on fire using any method, and then put out the fire. We recommend hitting it with a Fire Staff, then hitting it again with the normal Staff |
It’s Popcorn Time! |
Set the Corn Living mod on fire. You can use the Fire Staff. |
What Are You Waiting For? |
Open the game, but don’t leave the main menu for 10 minutes. |
Brilliant Idea |
Double click on any item and save it with the name “Copy.” |
Finally! A Gray One! |
There is a chance a grey Melon Living mod will spawn, so keep adding Melon Living mods to the map until it shows up. You’ll need to keep clearing living because the frame rate will drop the more mods you add. |
Bad Modder |
Get a random file like a jpg or png and change the “.png” in the name to “.melmod” then open the File Manager option in the main menu and upload that file. |
It’s Definitely Clean Now |
Keep clicking on the “Clear Everything” button until the achievement appears. |
Anti-Damage = Healing |
Open the Mod Editor in the main menu, click on “Create New,” select the Machine Gun in the “Firearms” column, click on the “Set Firearms Settings,” change the damage to a negative number, and press save. You can give it a name before saving it in the “Set Item Settings” menu. |
Parent Mode |
Open the Settings menu and disable drop on death and decals in the General tab and disable vignette, bloom, and gore in the Video tab. |
Rowdy |
Spawn the Crate, double-click in it, and freeze it, double-click it again, scroll down, and make it unbreakable. Pick any gun and place it facing the Crate (the auto pistol will stand better), freeze it, then toggle it. It will start shooting at the Crate, and you just have to wait until you get the achievement. |
What A Mess |
Go to the File Manager menu from the main screen. After that, you’ll need to repeatedly swipe up in the box with all the folders until everything collapses. |
Loosing Power |
Inject any Living mod with an Immortality Syringe, then inject them with a Virus Syringe, and finally inject a Regen Syringe. |
Hacker |
You’ll have to download a third-party mod to get a generator since it was removed from the game. Once you do it, just spawn the generator. |
Multitool |
Spawn a watergun, inject any syringe in it, and press space to shoot it. |
That Was Close |
Spawn the generator, double-click on it to activate it, and type “Tru1yUn10ckC0de”. You get the achievement after the cutscene. |
Enlightenment |
If you got the Generator from the third-party mod, spawn it again. |
Fashion Is My Profession |
Spawn a Living mod and put every piece of clothing you can on it until you get the achievement. |
Over 9,000 |
Spawn a Thruster, double-click it, and click on the Edit Parameters option. Set force to 9001, double-click the Thruster again, and activate it. Wait until you get the achievement. |
Primitive Treatment |
Spawn 10 Living mods, then spawn a Munroe Bomb, double-click on it, and activate it. Spawn another Munroe Bomb and activate it again. |
Janitor |
Kill a Living mod, making it bleed on the floor, and then use a water gun to clean the blood. |
Sadism |
Kill a Melon Living mod and heal them using the regen syringe several times until you get the achievement. |
Each One |
Spawn Presents and break them until you get all eight types of toys. |
What Is Deleted Cannot Come Back |
Click the Undo button continuously until you get the achievement. |
The Wrong Side |
Click the pause button and take off a living’s limb, unpause and flip it, and then use limb connector to connect the flipped part. |
Smoothie |
You’ll have to place two propellers next to each other with the blades upwards, freeze them, parent them, and then activate them. Spawn several apples above it like it’s a blender until the achievement appears. |
Flashbang Out |
Spawn five Living mods and put them all near each other, then spawn a Flash Grenade, double-click it and resize it to make it bigger, and activate it, making all the Living mod’s eyes white. |
Pandemic |
Spawn any Living mod and inject the Virus syringe in it. Then spawn another Living mod, but flipped, make their faces touch, and do it 10 times until you get the achievement. |
To Infinity And Beyond! |
Go to the Endless City map, spawn a Melon Living mod, and inject it with the immortality syringe. Double-click it, select “Follow,” drag it across space, and wait until you get the achievement |
Loop The Loop |
Go to a map with a lot of open space, then spawn a helicopter. Fly the Helicopter and drag it, making a loop, and let it go. Keep trying until you get the achievement. |
Fruit Tea |
Spawn a Tea Box and a Melon (in Nature), put them in the Nanoassembler, and activate it. |
Philosopher’s Stones |
Create all seven Golems by placing a present, plastic plate, any dish, a bottle, a crate, and a brick in the Nanoassembler. |
Nuclear Gastronomy |
Put a melon, a pumpkin, a dragon fruit, a cactus, a corn, an apple, and a nuclear bomb in the Nanoassembler and activate it. |
Forward To The Past |
Create a control box by combining a propeller, rocket engine, and an axe in the Nanoassembler. Then, solve it and click the red button to spawn the clock. Write 27:08:2021 to go back to an older version of the game. |
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