Pillsbury Just Announced a Big Change to Its Most Iconic Cake Mix

Pillsbury Just Announced a Big Change to Its Most Iconic Cake Mix

Published on Mar. 14, 2025

There’s always room for more sprinkles on my birthday cake.

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I’m a ’90s kid, and I know Pillsbury for one very specific mix: Funfetti. I’m not kidding, it’s the only thing my friends and classmates ever wanted for birthday parties, and honestly, it’s as amazing today as it was when I was eight.

I get nostalgic just looking at a slice because Funfetti is as delicious as it is colorful. It’s the best confetti cake mix for a reason!

Pillsbury has kept it classic for a while, but recently, the brand posted some intriguing Funfetti images on its Instagram. Now, they’ve officially come out with a brand-new Funfetti mix, and we can’t wait to start baking.

What is the new Funfetti cake mix?

It’s everything you know and love about Funfetti with a crunchy, colorful twist—loads and loads of sprinkles. Funfetti has decided to follow the sprinkle cake trend and officially gift us with mountains of sprinkles to decorate our cakes. You’ll find stars, pearls, rainbow and sequin sprinkles inside. As if Funfetti wasn’t already the prettiest cake on the market.

Named Funfetti Celebrations, this cake mix is truly the birthday cake of your dreams. Same tasty vanilla cake with hints of color inside with a flashy new outside. Pillsbury saw the fun sprinkle cakes hitting the internet and the not-so-fun price tag. They wanted to give people the option to create a sprinkle cake all their own at a fraction of the price. We love you, Pillsbury!

The only thing missing from the box is the frosting, but that’s an easy fix. Head further down the aisle for a good store-bought frosting.

Where do I find it?

Funfetti Celebrations is currently only available at Walmart (along with the regular Funfetti mix), but should hit other retailers soon. Make sure to grab a box for your next birthday. You’re never too old to celebrate with style.

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