Left-Wing Rag Salon Rages About Trump ‘Channeling Hitler, Nazism,’ As ‘Part of His Chorus of Hate’

Left-Wing Rag Salon Rages About Trump ‘Channeling Hitler, Nazism,’ As ‘Part of His Chorus of Hate’

And so it continues.

Donald survives two assassination attempts in a span of 64 days and the radical left enthusiastically continues its incendiary rhetoric against him, including references to Adolf Hitler and Nazism, and white supremacy— with a top Biden official declaring that the former president must be “extinguished for good.”

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Talk About Vile, Dangerous Rhetoric: Commerce Sec. Gina Raimondo’s New Comment on Trump Is Indefensible

And how many left-wing nutjobs across the country continue to become obsessed with the dangerous rhetoric and may be planning to be the guy to finally “get the job done”? 

In an article titled “The mission creep of hate: Trump’s dehumanization targets beyond immigrants,” left-wing rag Salon declared Trump’s “stormtroopers will round up anyone they decide does not belong in this country, whether they’re citizens or not”—and far worse.

Abject idiocy, of course, intended for the consumption of low-information Democrat voters.

Let’s jump into the op-ed, which drips with so much hyperbolic hatred that it’s laugh-out-loud hilarious:

Donald Trump and his surrogates are continuing to channel and amplify Nazism and Adolf Hitler. This is not random or happenstance. It is part of a strategy. “Feral politics” made even more explosive and toxic by adding blatant white supremacy, racism, and antisemitism. 


Adolf Hitler is one of the most evil leaders in recorded human history. Hitler and his Nazi regime are responsible for the systematic, industrial-scale mass murder of six million Jewish people and millions of others (including Black Germans). World War II, the deadliest in human history, resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of people around the world (estimates range from 50 million to 70 million or more). 

Almost 80 years after the end of World War II, Nazism and the various forms of racial fascism, and the other antidemocratic and illiberal political belief systems and ideologies in its orbit have not been fully vanquished. They are resurgent in the form of Trumpism, American fascism, and the larger global anti-democracy movement.

How does an objective person with even a modicum of knowledge about the horrors Hitler’s nazism, including the extermination of an estimated six million Jews, and destruction and misery throughout Europe, compare Donald Trump to modern history’s most infamous madman? 

What horrors or catastrophes did Trump visit on America during his presidency that could lead a rational person to spew vile bilge like that spewed by Salon? Rhetorical questions, of course, because other than bitter, stage-4 Trump Derangement Syndrome, there is no excuse for such dangerous trash. 

It Gets Worse

Salon’s obsession with Hitler comparisons to Trump gets even more ridiculous:

There are many examples of Donald Trump’s embrace and channeling of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as part of his chorus of hate and plans to turn America into a type of Fourth Reich. In the most recent escalation in their campaign of racism and white supremacy, Trump and his agents, most notably his running mate JD Vance, are now telling the lie that Black Haitian immigrants in Springfield are stealing and eating white people’s dogs and cats. 

Attacks on some type of “racial” otther and demands that they be deported (and worse) to “purify” the nation are core beliefs of Nazism and Hitler. Trump has explicitly used such language, describing nonwhite migrants, refugees, and “illegal” aliens as human vermin and “poison” in the “blood” of the nation that needs to be removed. 

Part of Trump’s “purification” plan involves the creation of a concentration camp system and the “bloody story” that will be the largest deportation plan in American history.

Nutty enough? Yet, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and other left-wing outlets continue to push the same kind vile rhetoric on a regular basis.


CNN Trots Out Historian Who Uses Hitler to Say Trump Made ‘It Easier For Disturbed Minds’ to Target Him

It Sure Seems Like the Media Is Trying to Get Trump and More of His Followers Killed

The Bottom Line

Perhaps it would be irresponsible as a journalist to come right out and suggest that the left-wing media is intentionally trying to get Donald Trump killed. 

Then again, it “might” be irresponsible to fail to point to the obvious.

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