Horse rides in backseat of pickup truck in Texas city, shocking onlookers: video

Horse rides in backseat of pickup truck in Texas city, shocking onlookers: video

This horse was riding quirky.

Onlookers got a kick out of spotting a white horse chilling in the backseat of a four-door GMC pickup truck in a Texas city, according to footage shared with a local station Sunday.

The horse appeared unbothered in the short clip obtained by WTAA as the white pickup truck slowly drove through the Stockyards section of Fort Worth.

The horse didn't appear to mind riding in the pick-up truck.
The horse didn’t appear to mind riding in the pick-up truck. WFAA

People enjoying the evening out laughed and stopped to capture the moment with their phones.

“Horse in the back of the truck,” one woman said. “That’s crazy.”

Fort Worth police told the station that horses riding inside a vehicle is not illegal. Authorities also said they didn’t receive any calls about the horseplay.

It’s unclear how the horse was jostled into the truck or why it wasn’t transported in a trailer.

The incident was spotted in Fort Worth, Texas.
The incident was spotted in Fort Worth, Texas. Wikipedia

Stockyards has various stables and offers horseback riding to people ready to saddle up.

This isn’t the first time a horse has gotten a ride instead of giving one.

A woman drove up to a McDonald’s drive-thru in Australia with her miniature horse in the backseat.

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