Jan 26th 2012 By Bagehot MY new column looks at today’s seemingly distinct debates about British capitalism, executive pay, welfare caps, the squeezed middle and […]
Author: newsflashtom
Alex Salmond, little Englander
Jan 19th 2012 By Bagehot MY RECENT interview with Alex Salmond, the leader of Scotland’s pro-independence party and head of the Scottish government, forms the […]
David Hockney, national treasure
Jan 17th 2012 By Bagehot THE English have cause to feel flattered. David Hockney, the Yorkshire-born artist who fled his “boring, stifling” home country aged […]
Now come the calls for the English to be given a say
Jan 16th 2012 By Bagehot BANG on cue, after a week of calls for the Scottish people to be given their say on the future […]
Ed Miliband says some bold new things about austerity Britain, but voters are not listening
Jan 12th 2012 By Bagehot MY column in this week’s newspaper is about the leader of the opposition Labour Party, Ed Miliband, and why things […]
Interviewing Alex Salmond, the man who wants to break up Britain
Jan 12th 2012 By Bagehot BAGEHOT is in Edinburgh. Yesterday afternoon I interviewed Alex Salmond, first minister of the devolved Scottish government and generator of […]
David Cameron tells Scottish nationalists to put up or shut up on independence
Jan 9th 2012 By Bagehot PUT up or shut up. That is the risky (but arguably rather canny) message that David Cameron has sent to […]
A murder that changed Britain
Jan 6th 2012 By Bagehot THIS week’s print column looks at a story that filled British newspapers this week: the conviction and jailing of two […]
Royal Britain v Olympics Britain
Dec 28th 2011 By Bagehot BRITAIN’s royal family continues its remarkable run in the tabloids, in titles that once delighted in headlines about out-of-touch or […]
How Britain could leave the EU
Dec 15th 2011 By Bagehot MY PRINT column this week attempts to step back from the noise and chatter in Westminster about the coalition and […]